Comprehending Myself: PART 2

                            [Pre-Depression Phase]

  [Heartfelt thanks and love to everyone who gave lovely comments and helpful suggestions to my last post. Keep doing this...!!!🥰]

  Technically, this phase is the period of time preceding the depressive state. Its symptoms include a stint of happiness, a speck of seclusion, a bit of boredom, and extreme mood swings. The most happening, heartening, exciting, and dispiriting events come up during this phase. It abruptly initiates anywhere from a peaceful day or a jubilant eve and terminates with just a second of overthinking. This second is followed by depression.

  It is actually a myth that when something horrible hits us, our state of well-being is conquered by depression. #definitely_not. It is because of the super special attribute of human beings, Memory, which drags us into the dreadful depression ditch. Thanks to millions of neurons, neuroglial cells, and fibres constituting the grey matter of the brain, the cerebrum, which embraces our memory files.

  While in this phase, we would be in a dilemma, whether accepting the happiness or withdrawing from the scene just as a precaution. We'd be very careful with our actions. We actually don't feel lonely nor we would complain of being/left alone. But, we'd talk to people and experience ourselves socializing better than we do, being normal. This makes us believe that we are content. But, we would have transformed into an ambivalent.

  As we get through this, a strange feeling slips into us. As time rolls on, the interest in our routine, hobbies and passion declines gradually. And on one day, it tumbles to zero. An ill-defined void fills our mind. Not only it takes away our grip towards our monotonous lifestyle but also exacerbates our moods. 

  We tend to take extremes in almost all circumstances. Our stress levels, overthinking and self-blaming would be hitting the skies. Talking to our friends and homies may not help, since a single utterance could stirrup a bad event or raises our bars of guilt. 

  So, what helps? Power. It is simply power, which could drag you out of this ditch. If you are spiritual, then it is God, else if you are self-reliant (like me), then it is You. The power possessed by you is a collection of your positivity, endurance and most importantly peace. Even when catastrophe strikes, these aggregates would be an SOS. 

  Depression is just a sluggish rain in a calm, sunny day, and it is not the end of the world. Letting go of the vibes that troubles you and retaining the happy colours of our clumsy mind would be the least that you could do for yourself. And, I would like to conclude by mentioning my favourite quote by Dalai Lama. 
        "Never let anything destroy your inner peace"

  Stay happy and stay yourself❣️

- Anisha K

[PC : Internet and respective creators]


  1. The last phrase quoted by you looks awesome 👌👏pa


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