
Showing posts from April, 2021

Comprehending Myself: PART 2

                               PDP                                                       [Pre-Depression Phase]   [Heartfelt thanks and love to everyone who gave lovely comments and helpful suggestions to my last post. Keep doing this...!!!🥰]   Technically, this phase is the period of time preceding the depressive state. Its symptoms include a stint of happiness, a speck of seclusion, a bit of boredom, and extreme mood swings. The most happening, heartening, exciting, and dispiriting events come up during this phase. It abruptly initiates anywhere from a peaceful day or a jubilant eve and terminates with just a second of overthinking. This second is followed by depression.   It is actually a myth that when something horrible hits us, our state of well-being is conquered by depression. #definitely_not . It is because of the super special attribute of human beings, Memory, which drags us into the dreadful depression ditch.  Thanks to millions of neurons, neuroglial cells, and fibres con

Comprehending Myself: PART 1

                                           BUT WHY?   Strange!  It seems strange, right?  It's damn strange to accept that we are not okay. But why? Are we self-brainwashed? Actually not. We have been held up in a constant belief that  we're gonna be okay. T his surmise convinces us to anticipate a literally inexistent state called "I'm good."   Over the years, we would have changed a lot; exceptionally well in some cases and absolute dumb in some. Does that make any sense? Though, our quests of finding a messy-mind-clearing psychiatrist have never ceased.    In the case of some eccentrically matured people like me, it's even more complicated. The cycle of getting into deep waters for or by an intimate pal, suffering the heavy scars, and having a grip of baggage full of unexplainable and illogical guilt reiterates.   Every time, when we are hurt or feeling low, we console ourselves and compromise on not getting into these recurring circumstances. But at the ve