Ok, bye!

This day marked the end of my UG exams. Honestly speaking, it does actually feel like just another day to me. I must say that, the end of my college days, hadn’t actually hit me yet. I have felt the same with last phase of my school days too. I actually was glad that my duration at that torment hole was getting to over. But, as everyone might agree, college life hits different. Frankly, I simply hated the initial days. There were numerous reasons and some overthinking. Not gonna talk about that. It dragged me through all the further semesters until this final one. During the first few days of the final semester felt like, every nitpick, every uncertainty, every discomfort got into a black hole of my brain and churned to its exit into, not a disappearance, but a minimised degree. So is it how life behaves? Maybe yes. The more closer that we are to the end, the lesser it bothers🙂 Words about how I would miss it? Truly, the reality of everything related with college lif...